Different types of asthma causes and remedies

Asthma is an illness where irritants cause inflammation of the bronchi because they become very sensitive, and it is therefore difficult to breathe. The contraction of muscles around the wind pipe can be the result of this inflammation. Inflammation can also cause excessive mucus in the airways and swelling can occur if the airway inflammation.

Age is a factor in terms of asthma is concerned, but it is interesting to note that about 50 percent of cases start in children under 10 years. Among children and about 65 percent are boys, against only 35 percent of girls. It is one of the main culprits in terms of respiratory diseases among adolescents and children are concerned. Although it was observed that this condition can improve with age. 17 million U.S. citizens are patients with asthma, according to estimates.

Asthma is a lung disease that can be reversed with treatment or may heal spontaneously. airway obstruction or constriction are the characteristics of asthma. Lack of slight breathlessness and wheezing are called asthma symptoms as symptoms of moderate to fatal respiratory failure are severe. Mild symptoms may occur before a serious attack.

People with asthma have difficulty breathing, but can breathe without any problem. During inhalation the ribs and pushing the diaphragm decreases, increasing the lungs to allow air around a blockage. But at the end when closing the rib, the diaphragm moves obstructing air movement around the block.

Two types of asthma

intrinsic asthma and extrinsic asthma are two types of asthma. If you are allergic to certain types of external material causes asthma its called extrinsic. And when an external agent is not clearly identifiable is called intrinsic asthma.

Substances such as dust, pollen, animal hair, food, molds, feather pillows, certain types of food additives, etc. can cause allergic reactions in some children spontaneously, which may be a beginning of extrinsic asthma. Atopy is an inherited disease called when the body has a propensity to allergic reactions.

Intrinsic asthma usually follows a respiratory infection serious external allergen can not be assigned. An intrinsic asthma condition may worsen due to emotional stress, changes in temperature or humidity, fatigue, irritation, exposure to fumes and gases, etc. some people may be sick with asthma intrinsic and extrinsic.

All asthma attacks are not the same degree. oxygen supply to critical organs can get affected due to airway closure in a severe asthma attack. This can lead to a medical emergency. severe asthma are known to be the reason for many deaths. An asthma attack gives a person a sensation similar to drowning.
Actions, such as drugs or other remedies can be used to prevent an asthma attack when the symptoms of asthma and its warning signs are learned.

There may be lengthy periods when the symptoms of asthma or asthma patient and very little wrong or not show at all. But asthma attacks can be seen, but also the last for extended periods.

Cough may sound dry and stretched during a severe attack. A thick mucus is expectorated subsidies attack. Young children do not produce mucus after an attack. severe breathing is normal between attacks.

In symptomatic asthma is typical of a breathing noise for Guests. In addition, forced expiration for long periods of time is typical airflow blockage. Pulmonary hyperinflation is usually very common among children. Tachypnea, tachycardia and diaphoresis may coincide with a severe attack. The patient may not be able to speak without stopping to take a breath after each word. The first signs of respiratory failure are lethargy, confusion and darkness (or blue) of the skin due to lack of oxygen known as cyanosis.

Possible remedies asthma

Other drugs such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory and may initiate an asthma attack. Even chemicals that Tartazine (yellow food dye) can cause an asthma attack. hard work and exercise can lead to great loss of moisture and heat in the upper airway. This may be followed by bronchospasm leads to exercise-induced attack. Even exercise can be an initiator attack.

In the treatment of severe asthma patients goal is to treat symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, inflammation, swelling of the airways, shortness of breath and lower while an attempt is made to improve ventilation lung. Following a severe attack of treatment is usually focused on the fight against the opening, such as irritants or allergens in the environment.

In a process similar to vaccination, asthma can be treated by injecting the patient with a limited amount of antigen that causes an asthma attack when the cause is identified as a particular toxin, bacteria, viruses or other substances foreign body. This immune system response to the antigen is presented under control.


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