The devil with a different name bronchial asthma

Asthma can take several forms, but one could be fatal asthma. This is because the way air fills with mucus, making it almost impossible to breathe. This is due to allergic reactions caused by a hypersensitive immune system. Incentives that cause asthma can be external or internal. That's what makes an asthma attack breathing commands the most dangerous known to man who does not know what driver you are allergic. As airway mucus is full, there is a strange noise you hear every breath of the patient. This sound is also known as "wheezing.

Asthma is caused by tightening the flow of air, which in turn was caused by inflammation of the air. The person is hit by an asthma attack once it stops the air reaches the lungs, causing shortness of breath immediately.

There are several reasons for the contraction of the airways, some of which include the muscles around the airways to get a spasm, edema and acute respiratory worse. Asthma is, as I mentioned earlier that caused severe allergic reactions may be seasonal in nature. Mast cells as eosinophils, T cells and histamine are those mainly associated with allergic reactions. skin allergies, nose running and airway blockage caused by histamine. Allergic diseases are associated with eosinophils and mast cells T cells that cause allergies and inflammation. When these cells are a mixture, the result is an asthma attack in itself.

An asthma attack can be caused by a variety of reasons. It could be a minor cough or cold, which, if it does not take care of the time, could lead to an attack. One way to control asthma is common, but the exercise of exercising too could become an asthma attack if taken in excess. Living in a city with large amounts of air pollution with high content of toxic and could put the individual hypersensitive immune system. A person with asthma should avoid living near factories that smoke coming from them is one of the most common incentives for an attack.

Application under perfume or deodorant is also useful for more odor, also can act as an incentive. Patients with asthma should stay away from certain drugs that could lead to asthma, such as aspirin. Living in a city where there are changes in weather can break havoc on the life of a person's asthma, cities as they should be avoided. In addition, a patient with asthma should always try to be in a positive mood such as stress and anxiety can act as incentives that could launch an attack. Even small gestures such as laughter, could also lead to minor attacks. Asthma should always have a dehumidifier in her room because it tends to reduce the moisture content of the air and could be very useful.

As seen above, an asthma attack can be generated on almost everything. The saddest thing is that fear does not cure this condition will be available in the near future that the researcher does not even come close with a vaccine against asthma. But if the individual has the courage and determination, can be controlled and the frequency of asthma attacks can be significantly reduced. There are several ways to present and yoga is one of them. That combined with regular exercise, healthy eating and proper rest can make a man bravely facing all the conditions of life may throw at him.

Could vitamin d help to overcome allergies and asthma

A new season has suddenly your own itch eyes, runny nose, sneezing non-stop, and you develop a rash. The reason - could be suffering from some sort of allergy. Allergies can occur for various reasons. Some possible causes of allergies are dust, smoke, diet, certain medications, years soaps, oils, and many others. In some cases, the exact reasons for allergies can not be found. In addition, seasonal allergies occur in winter or summer, or if the climate changes.

What is an allergy?
Allergies can cause a variety of issues depending on the severity of the allergy. An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system. Overreaction of the immune system to certain substances are not necessarily harmful, but can cause a lot of trouble. chronic allergies are caused by allergens. Given below are some of the symptoms of allergies:

- Itching eyes
- Vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Blocking nasal
- Rash
- Dysentery
- Dizziness
- Difficulty breathing
- Cramps

According to a new study, allergies and asthma are caused by deficiency of vitamin D. Vitamin D fortified foods, including cereals, milk and other dairy products should be included in the diet. Vitamin D contributes to many important functions, particularly bone health, prevention of rickets and osteomalacia. Vitamin D is an important nutrient and hormone only found in foods such as oily fish, cod liver oil, egg yolk naturally, but is also produced in the skin with sun exposure.

Therefore, we believe that reducing exposure to sunlight is to blame for the increasing number of people who are deficient in vitamin D. entertainment technologies, such as video games, DVDs and the Internet are also challenged to keep children occupied at home. This prevents their chances of getting vitamin D from the sun directly. other factors such as use of sunscreen too play a key role in limiting the exposure of sufficient sunlight for the body.

According to Harvard researchers, people living near the equator are not enough vitamins from their diet and sun. The inclusion of vitamin D supplementation is recommended during the winter to avoid deficiencies. Research also indicates a lack of vitamin D could affect pregnant women and her child. In fact, the deficit would lead to chronic health problems like allergies and asthma in children. The researchers also found that the more vitamin D for pregnant women reduce the risk of developing asthma by as much as 40 per cent of children aged three to five. took out their investigations concerned that low levels of vitamin D can affect the lungs and immune system development in the fetus, which may possibly be at greater risk of developing asthma and allergies.

Moreover, as research, Western nations are affected by asthma and allergies. Thus, these results were used to estimate the geographical distribution of cases because of asthma and allergies. They also concluded that the limited number of sources of vitamin or loss of sunlight are the main reasons to cause allergies and asthma. In other words, vitamin A deficiency could lead to asthma and allergies. In addition, adequate vitamin D supplement during pregnancy may lead to significant reductions in the incidence of asthma in young children.

Http:// 23 2004 63359.asp

Do not pet a pet
The best approach is to not have a pet that can trigger asthma. The problem is animal dander, but indignation - dead skin, dry, flaking. The animal licks the skin and saliva remains in its indignation. If your pet is not abandoned, the next logical step is to establish very strict rules about living with an animal allergens. Do not leave your dog in the room - ever. If the animal is in the room at any time during the day, the outrage would remain for hours. Leave pets at home if you go for a drive, which would require close contact with the animal. If you are in contact with your pet (or any other animal for that matter), wash hands immediately. If you can not keep hands to your pet at least bring your air kisses on the face, - pets still the idea. Also, try bathing your dog or cat once a week in warm water without soap others.

Kick the smoking habit
Tobacco smoke can be an irritant that triggers asthma and an allergen, which reached an allergic reaction leading to asthma. Tobacco smoke is one of the most known irritants: It paralyzes small hairlike cilia along the respiratory mucous membranes. It also reduces the immune response and leaves a smoker more susceptible to upper respiratory infections. "Not one redeeming element to smoke," Weinstein cautions. "Given the known health risks associated with smoking, asthma patients should make every effort to stop smoking -. Whether alone or with a smoking cessation program "non-smokers living with smokers are not better off. So if there is someone in your household who will not quit, ask that person to take your usual outdoor.

Weather Forecast
Although each person reacts to different weather and climatic variations, some general trends can be observed. "Keep a close watch on how the time on you," advises young people. (This means paying attention to factors such as temperature, wind speed, barometric pressure and humidity.) "Then, try to avoid conditions that cause problems. "For example, should stay indoors when it's cold, because a blast of cold air can cause bronchial spasm. Stay inside if the wind is strong, too. So as gusts of wind can blow pollution and smog, they can also pollen blowing in your direction. If you like walking in the rain, you're in luck, because rain tends to wash allergens wandering pollutants and irritants.

Watch what you eat
Whether food triggers chronic asthma has not been answered yet. Some foods such as nuts, shellfish, milk, eggs, and strawberries, can lead to a series of allergic reactions, including asthma symptoms. Sulfites in wine may have a similar effect. Although the information currently available suggests that the chances are low that food allergies are a trigger for chronic asthma in adults is always wise to reduce or eliminate consumption of certain foods that you notice worsening asthma . But see your doctor if you think that food is necessary nutrients. Allergies to certain foods, especially milk and wheat, are often a trigger for asthma in children. When milk and wheat seem to be causing problems for your child's asthma, eliminate these foods.

Read labels and avoid foods that list milk milk solids, casein, whey or caseinate as an ingredient. (Talk to your doctor about other sources of nutrients in foods such as calcium.) Eating away from home can sometimes be a problem, "said Weinstein. If you're invited to dinner and not knowing what will be dinner, eat something before you leave home so you will not leave hungry. If you eat in a restaurant, inquire about the ingredients in the dish you wish to order, and method of preparation. Wherever you table, common sense suggests that you avoid overeating, eating too fast, and talk while eating. clear of alcohol and Steer, especially if you take medication for asthma. One last reminder: Do not test Cytotoxicity known and similar methods that promise to eliminate hidden food allergies and asthma cure.

Staying Healthy
An upper respiratory problem - like a respiratory infection - can cause problems in the lower respiratory tract - the bronchi - and precipitate an asthma attack. Everybody wants to be in a state of good health. For someone with asthma, staying healthy can lead to a dramatic reduction in symptoms.

Exercise of options
For years, people with asthma said they exercise, because it would encourage attacks. Research has shown, however, that the more asthmatics exercise, exercise can tolerate. If you have asthma, should take part in regular aerobic exercise.

Begin with short workouts and increase them gradually. At least initially, to keep a bronchodilator with you. If you feel tightness in the chest and can not work through it, use the device. If you are cold or dry air, wear a scarf around the nose and mouth to warm the air before breathing in cool with light exercise at the end of training. If a type of exercise brings more attacks, try another form of exercise. You may be unable to tolerate the operation, for example, but you may be able to swim regularly.

Take a deep breath
Breathing exercises provide a form of relaxation and can be beneficial to some patients during an asthma attack. However, it would be a mistake to rely solely on breathing exercises to control an acute episode of asthma, "said Weinstein. Although this rule is not followed, breathing exercises are great for patients who find them useful. You can practice controlled breathing, focus on inhaling slowly through your nose rather than mouth breathing breathless. He suggested that before starting these breathing exercises, blowing your nose to ensure that your airways are free of debris. Then sit on a chair in a comfortable position.

Breathe deeply and feel your breath go as far as possible. Your abdomen should expand as you do this exercise. Exhale slowly, feeling your abdomen, relax the breath of the nose. Repeat this exercise at least three times a day (but never immediately after a meal).

Keep your weight
"Unfortunately, some drugs against asthma can lead to weight gain. An overweight person has been more difficult to breathe and the heart works harder to pump blood throughout the body. Weight reduction is very important," said Bell. If you are overweight, you and your doctor must work together to establish a diet plan that will reduce the consumption of calories without depriving you of needed.

Bronchial asthma symptoms and treatment

Asthma is a disease of the lungs, where an obstruction or disturbance of the respiratory ventilation evokes a feeling of difficulty breathing. This leads to bouts of bronchial airway constriction.

The causes of asthma

There may be many causes of asthma. The main cause is high resistance to airflow in the bronchi. Although these passages muscles work harder, they are not able to support the work of breathing and gas exchange. The result is an asthma attack if there is a spasm of bronchial muscles, swelling of the bronchial wall and increased secretion of mucus.

Other causes of asthma are: respiratory infections, cold air, exercise, smoke, pollutants, stress, anxiety and allergies to food or medications.

Sometimes asthma is also triggered by pollen, dust, fungus or mold.

Symptoms of asthma

The main symptoms of asthma include wheezing, including a whistling in the chest and shortness of breath.

Increased mucus secretion occurs during an attack of asthma. This can happen in two periods between attacks of asthma.

In general, a person suffering from an asthma attack will be difficult to breathe and feel much pain in the chest.

Asthma Treatment

As such, there is no cure for asthma. But a patient can certainly learn to manage it.

The first step is to control the environment. Living in an environment free of dust, smoke, animals, pollutants and allergens will ensure that remains in control asthma attacks.

The patient should also wear a mask to cover nose and mouth every time he cleans the house and dust furniture.

People with asthma should make sure their clothing, bedding, furniture, etc. are not collect dust and dirt. They may also consider using an air conditioner to control humidity in the atmosphere and environment.

There are also medical treatments available for patients with asthma. They can use their inhalers doctor. There are also a variety of pills and tablets you can take on doctor's prescription to maintain control of asthma.

Exercise induced asthma what you need to know

Most people who have many asthma triggers, allergens, or if physical activity. Those who suffer from asthma caused by exercise, however, symptoms during exercise. This condition is not dangerous but not cause discomfort to the patient, they try to exercise. With proper treatment, this condition prevents a person from engaging in physical activities like sports or running. However, many people with exercise-induced asthma refrain from physical activity.

Asthma, as you probably know, is a condition in which airways tighten and the person is unable to breathe properly. Other forms of asthma are triggered by allergens or certain environments, and exercise. The exercise-induced asthma, on the other hand, only occurs during or after exercise. Symptoms are more likely to occur in cold and dry.

Although the exact cause is still unknown, studies have suggested it has something to do with the heated air is not properly enter the lungs when a person breathes quickly and heavily. As this cold air enters the respiratory tract, bronchial tubes begin to swell and contract. This gives a feel like breathing through a straw. They are not only able to get enough air, especially in view of the work are rigorous. Thus, during an asthma attack induced by exercise, the patient feels chest pain and dizziness, even though they are gasping for oxygen.

Other symptoms of exercise-induced asthma include coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, or extreme fatigue during exercise. In rare cases, a person may experience exercise-induced anaphylaxis, a potentially life threatening allergic reaction. If a person experiences this type of reaction, they should consult a doctor immediately. Symptoms of anaphylaxis induced by extreme itching, nagging feeling anxious heart, slurred speech, swelling of the throat, rapid or weak pulse, skin or red bumps, the hives, swelling of lips, eyelids, throat and tongue, cramps or diarrhea.

correct diagnosis of exercise-induced asthma requires a series of tests, a lung specialist. These include a test of lung function, bronchial provocation test and / or chest radiography. There are other tests available as well, but they are among the most common. A pulmonary function test measures how much the lungs can hold and how quickly expired. A bronchial provocation test, on the other hand, actually induces an asthma attack with minor drug use. A chest x-ray can also be used to exclude other conditions that may reflect symptoms of asthma.

Exercise-induced asthma, although it may seem as if a person's ability to prevent the exercise is actually very treatable. It was noted that the report of the fact that Olympic athletes have exercise-induced asthma is higher than the rest of the population. These athletes manage their symptoms with medication, usually in the form of inhalers, and they often choose sports that are more "compatible" with their condition. Swimming, for example, is easier sport for people with exercise-induced asthma than run the distance is long. People who suffer from this condition must reflect the fact that with proper treatment, there is nothing they can do as an ordinary person.

What causes asthma

"Asthma" was derived from a Greek word that means "trousers." It is essentially a chronic disease that affects the air passages when they are stimulated by allergens or environmental factors acting as triggers. There are two ways that meet air passages in asthma triggers: 1) a hyper, 2) inflammation. When these responses occur, resulting in typical symptoms of asthma such as coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath or difficulty.

Hypersensitivity: Ultimately, when allergens or other inhaled irritants, resulting in smooth muscle in the air passages become constricted and has become too narrow. Air constriction of the airways when exposed to irritants and allergens is a normal reaction occurs worldwide, however, people with asthma results in a way hyper reactive SWAT.

For people who suffer from asthma, an irritant when inhaled, the air passages relax and open to expel the irritant from the lungs. However, those who suffer from asthma, there is no relaxation of the airway, and instead of becoming narrower, leading to asthma panting. It is, however, that there might be a defect in the smooth muscle of those affected by asthma, perhaps, a lack of critical chemical that prevents muscle relaxation.

Inflammation: Inflammation is the stage of hyper answer. If the air passages are exposed to allergens or other environmental factors trigger the immune system kicks in, giving the immune factors in white blood cells in the region. They cause the air passages to become swollen and fill with fluid and come as a sticky, thick mucus. These combine to cause breathlessness, wheezing, an inability to breathe or breathe properly, and a cough that produces phlegm.

This inflammatory response appears to affect all people affected by asthma, even mild cases.

So what causes asthma?

Although the causes of asthma is not yet fully understood, however, research has shown that it can be triggered by many factors such as genetics, early childhood development and growth of the immune system and lungs, environmental factors, and various types of infections.

Asthma and Genetics: Scientists and doctors to accept the fact that asthma is a hereditary disease. But they were not yet identified or genes are involved. It is believed that genes that are associated with asthma are related to the immune system and lungs. It is known as "atopic diseases", such as asthma, allergic rhinitis and dermatitis, occur in one form or another in the family.

Asthma and the Immune System: Research has shown that the immune systems of adults and children with asthma responds quite differently from those without asthma. People with allergic asthma are, in general, and the factors that cause allergic reactions or other problems. The immune system of allergy sufferers over-react when exposed to substances used as cat dander, mold, and pollen. Sometimes, even the immune system may overreact to bacteria and viruses, which increases the chances of an asthma attack.

Asthma and Children: the first months and years in the life of a child is a critical period during which he / she may be a tendency to develop asthma and to develop it. This is due to abnormal development and growth of the lungs. Premature babies are particularly vulnerable to respiratory diseases and infections because their lungs are not fully developed at birth. Sometimes an infection can cause inflammation, injuring the lung tissues.

Asthma and the Environment: There are several non-immunological or non-allergic environmental factors that may trigger the onset of asthma. When a person susceptible to asthma is exposed to irritants such as secondhand smoke for long periods, it is more likely to develop asthma in their own right. Some other irritants are pollution of air, paint, chemicals and interior.

Research is ongoing to better understand how the above factors affecting the development of allergies such as asthma.

Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath may be a symptom of chronic diseases, or may be caused by an acute infection, which could be dangerous if not eliminated by appropriate treatment. To exclude an acute infection, be sure to check your symptoms of breathlessness. Difficulty breathing, such as fatigue and stress, can have several causes. In all cases, the body does not receive the oxygen it needs. The difference comes from physiological changes that occur as a result of human immunodeficiency virus can lead to increased sensitivity to different stimuli.

Some of the most common changes physiological changes in response to human immunodeficiency virus and lead to breathlessness: Damage to the air sacs in the lungs, which is the result of a lung infection. This damage to the lungs determined to be less effective for oxygen in the blood and carbon dioxide. Although the body can adapt to this change to some extent, there is a sudden change in your breathing pattern can not always keep normal lungs.

Narrowing of airways and air sacs in the excessive production of mucus. Because the airway narrows, there is less room for air to circulate through the lungs. Excessive production of mucus also reduces the amount of space available for oxygen to reach the lungs. These changes occur in both asthma and chronic bronchitis.
Oxygen is carried in red blood cells, so that people who are anemic may develop breathing difficulties.

Conditioning process can affect the respiratory muscles or any of the other muscles in your body. When muscles become deconditioned, you must do, so they require more energy to perform their activities. If the respiratory muscles, clearing the lungs become less efficient and less space is left in the fresh air to be inhaled.
Anxiety may accelerate breathing and it is difficult to take full advantage breaths.There deep are many causes of shortness of breath, there are many things you can do to manage this problem. What you do not stop in a hurry or if you feel breathless. Instead, slow down. If breathing difficulties persist, stop for a few minutes. If you're always short of breath, take drugs if it has been prescribed by your doctor. Often, shortness of breath is frightening, and this fear can cause two additional problems. First, fear can cause the body to release hormones that can cause breathing more difficult. Second, fear can cause you to quit your job and thus no resistance to help build your breath. The basic rule is to take things slowly and in stages.

Avoid tobacco smoke of others. Avoid smoke is just as important as managing shortness of breath smoking cessation. This can sometimes be difficult to make friends, because smoking does not realize the difficulty of your life is made. Drink plenty of fluids, where the mucus is a problem, unless your doctor has recommended limiting the intake of liquid. extra fluids help thin mucus and make it easier to expectorate. Use a humidifier may also help.

One problem that causes breathing difficulties deconditionarea is a muscle of the diaphragm and breathing. Deconditionarea When this happens, the lungs are unable to empty properly, leaving less room for fresh air. Practiced well, tight lips and diaphragmatic breathing can help strengthen and improve coordination and efficiency of respiratory muscles and decreases as the amount of energy needed to breathe. In addition, these two breathing exercises can be used with all techniques that use the power of your mind to manage symptoms or alone, to reach a state relaxation.all details are set out above on the causes and how to avoid breathing difficulties.

Facts on asthma

Asthma attacks are triggered by exposure to environmental stimuli such as air, the scent hot or cold or wet or effort and emotional stress. In children, it is noted that the common triggers are viral illnesses. airway narrowing in asthma condition causes shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. This constriction of the airways is facilitated by the use of bronchodilators. Between episodes is not uncommon that patients feel well or have mild symptoms.

The symptoms of asthma from mild to life threatening can be controlled with a combination of medication and a change in the immediate environment. Research shows that in developed countries, these criminals receive up to one in four children in urban areas! Asthma is characterized by chronic respiratory failure, triggered by episodic symptoms of respiratory tract infections, stress, allergens and air pollutants.

At present the characteristics of a clinical exacerbation, such as breathlessness and wheezing in the last stages of an asthma attack, airflow can be affected, so that no wheezing may be heard. If the patient coughs, clear sputum is produced. Signs of an asthma episode include prolonged expiration, a rapid heart rate, lung sounds can be heard by the stethoscope pulse, which is weaker during inhalation and stronger during exhalation and over-inflation of the cavity Chest.

During a severe attack muscles, sternocleidomastoid and scalene asthma neck, causing asthma are exerted to turn blue from lack of oxygen. The patient may also suffer a loss of consciousness and unconsciousness, even before the patient feels numbness in the limbs and sweaty experience. Asthma is caused by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. The interaction of these factors affect the severity of asthma and the likelihood of a person is how the patient may react to drugs.

It is observed that the prevalence of asthma has increased in developed countries with increased use of antibiotics, c-sections and cleaning products. All these negative effects of exposure to bacteria and other immune modulators. There are a number of environmental risk factors associated with asthma. These include traffic pollution, high levels of ozone, tobacco smoke and maternal smoking, viral respiratory infections at an early age, use of antibiotics in early life, and cesarean psychological stress.

Many genes are related to the immune system and inflammation modulation. However, research findings are not consistent among all populations and, therefore, conclude that genes are not associated with asthma in each state. inflamed airways and bronchoconstriction in asthma, as a result of the inflammatory response cause wheezing. During an asthma attack, inflammation of the airways react to environmental triggers and produce excess mucus, making breathing difficult.

Incentive to include a relaxation of domestic waste pests, pollen and spores, air pollutants such as domestic products scented dish soap and laundry detergent, fabric softener, paper tissues and towels, lacquers and hair gel, cosmetics, face cream Sun, deodorants and products such as oil-based paint, such as aspirin and beta-blocker drugs, food allergies, the presence of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, etc. women hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle can aggravate asthma. Some women experience improvements in their asthma during pregnancy. Emotional stress can also affect, and are therefore temporary breathing in the cold and altitude.

It is recognized that patients with obstructive sleep apnea and asthma, often improve if the first is diagnosed and treated. Asthma is treated with reversible condition that occurs spontaneously or with treatment. A medical diagnosis of asthma based on clinical history and examination. Measurement of respiratory function is possible for adults. Diagnosis in children is based on an analysis of medical history and subsequent improvement. With proper use of preventive medication, asthmatics can avoid complications. However, it should be noted that preventive asthma medications stop taking when they feel good and then this results in further attacks.

Asthma attack symptoms

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that causes inflammation of the airways (bronchi). This leads to a narrowing and swelling of the airways, causing difficulty breathing. The causes of asthma are associated with genetic, chemical and environmental. Some common triggers for asthma are infections such as colds and flu, drug allergies, pollen, dust mites, food allergies, irritants like cigarette smoke or dust and some chemicals. Asthma can also be caused by some exercises in the cold, dry air. When a person is exposed to one of the factors that lead, histamine and other agents are released by the body. This can cause inflammation of the airways, causing airway narrowing and clogging. It can lead to symptoms such as breathlessness, coughing, wheezing and chest tightness. Approximately 20.5 million people in the United States are diagnosed with asthma.

What is asthma?

Asthma attack or exacerbation of asthma is caused by swelling and inflammation of the airways. airway narrowing is caused by inflammation, hyperresponsiveness and bronchospasm. airway inflammation resulting from exposure to allergens or irritants or action of chemical mediators such as histamine. Inflamed tissues produce a thick mucus, sticky, which can cause airway obstruction. This mucus may accumulate in the lungs, causing difficulty breathing. The muscles are tight wrapped around the airways, causing airway constriction. chronic inflammation of the airways become highly sensitive to allergens or irritants. This condition is known as bronchial hyper-responsiveness "that. Asthma attacks are triggered by an infection of upper respiratory disease gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), inhalation of cold dry air and allergens, such as some pets, pollen, dust mites, mold and tobacco smoke.

Symptoms of asthma

During an acute asthma attack, a series of changes occur in the lungs and airways, which contribute to develop signs and symptoms of asthma. Inflammation, excess production of mucus and bronchospasm can cause various signs and symptoms of asthma, such as breathlessness, wheezing and coughing. Symptoms of an asthma attack can vary in severity and duration from person to person. The warning signs of an asthma attack include headache, chronic cough, throat irritation, difficulty speaking, difficulty sleeping, difficulty breathing, chest tightness and wheezing. Wheezing is a symptom frequently observed in asthma. This is a whistling or hissing sound that comes with breathing. Wheezing is usually heard at the end, however, it may also occur during inhalation. When the first signs of an asthma attack are detected, then you should seek immediate medical treatment to prevent severe attacks of asthma. mild asthma are more commonly observed and can be cured in a few hours after treatment.

Severe asthma attacks are less frequent. However, they can last for a longer duration and requires immediate medical treatment. Symptoms severe asthma develop gradually and can become severe in 6-48 hours. There are signs of worsening asthma severity. These signs include a low peak flow expiratory (PEF), increased pulse, increased wheezing, fatigue and anxiety.

In cases of severe asthma attack can not be life-threatening symptoms. Some typical symptoms of severe asthma attack are shortness of breath, difficulty speaking, nasal flaring, pulse rate or heart rate, chest pain, sweating and reading the peak flow in the red zone. Silent chest is an important sign of severe asthma. There is no wheezing at inspiration and expiration. There may be some symptoms of cyanosis, such as gray or bluish skin, lips and nails. Maybe there is a feeling of anxiety, reduced alertness, severe drowsiness or confusion during the attack of severe asthma. A severe asthma attack can cause respiratory arrest and death. Asthma is considered a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention.

Treatment of asthma

Symptoms of asthma may resemble other respiratory problems such as respiratory tract infections, bronchitis and emphysema. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis of asthma is very essential to decide the appropriate treatment option. The severity of asthma symptoms are controlled by pulmonary function tests such as peak flow readings, spirometry, pulse oximetry measurement of nitrous oxide. asthma treatment focuses on managing symptoms, maintaining normal lung function and prevent severe attacks of asthma. Some medications such as beta-agonists for short-term oral corticosteroids, leukotriene inhibitors such as zileuton and montelukast and methylxanthines can be used to reduce inflammation in acute asthma attack. The use of inhaled HFA (hydrofluoroalkane) can help control symptoms of breathlessness. If symptoms of asthma attack is life threatening, then intubation and mechanical ventilation become necessary to help him breathe.

The best way to prevent an asthma attack is to avoid contact with triggering factors. You must identify allergy triggers and avoid them as much as possible exposure. With appropriate medical treatment, nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle can prevent these distressing symptoms of asthma.

Adult asthma adult onset asthma

Asthma is a lung disease long term. A person suffering from asthma are consistently narrow lanes and the lining is inflamed. Usually, patients have recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath and cough. For most patients, the cough occurs at night or early morning.

Most people think of asthma as a childhood disease because it usually starts sometimes begins in childhood. However, he affects people of all ages. When asthma is diagnosed in people aged 20 years, is known as adult-onset asthma. Unlike childhood asthma, adult asthma is more persistent and permanent. Often, medications are needed continuously to help keep the adult asthma under control. United States, over 22 million people known to have asthma, 16 million are adults.

Causes of Adult Asthma

The real cause of asthma is unclear whether childhood or adulthood. It is difficult to understand why symptoms develop at a certain age and they often disappear (ESP in children). Irritants that bring on asthma symptoms are called asthma triggers. "Asthma provoked by triggers of work is called occupational asthma." Adult-onset asthma is often aggravated by the same triggers of childhood asthma. They are:

Tobacco smoke: Smoking causes lung function to deteriorate very quickly and permanently. This applies to secondhand smoke too. Tobacco smoke makes them less effective drugs against asthma, which makes it more difficult to control and increasing the risk of a severe asthma attack.

Dust: The dust is an irritant of the environment that disturbs the nose, throat and lungs. People with asthma should try everything possible to avoid a dusty environment, and employment by taking, such as cooking, wood, foundry, mining, etc.

Allergens: There are several indoor allergens such as pets, feather bedding, mold or dust on the walls, which induce asthma attacks. Even if it is a Herculean task, constant efforts must be made to keep home and work free from asthma triggers.

The smell of smoke and clear: most people find the smell of smoke and strong because of their asthma. In the house, use a spray of any type should be minimized. We must try to stay away from spray paint fumes, smoke and heat, including the establishment of kerosene heaters. Heater we also supplied with gas should be avoided.

Infections: viruses, including influenza, pneumonia and colds are most common triggers for asthma sufferers. Adults can develop asthma, even after a severe attack of these viruses. Vaccination against these viruses is recommended for many people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, however, they do not protect against all respiratory infections.

Medications: Certain medications exacerbate asthma in some people. They include beta-blockers used to treat hypertension, angina pectoris, or glaucoma, aspirin and painkillers called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is essential that drugs against asthma patient does not react with other prescription or non-prescribed drugs without medical advice.

Food: Many adults are allergic to foods such as nuts or seafood Some people are very sensitive to food additives, often - sulphites (220-228), used as preservatives in foods and beverages and MSG These conditions can aggravate asthma.

Some adults may be more prone to asthma in adults. These include women who are experiencing hormonal changes, such as those who are pregnant or experiencing menopause. In addition, women who take estrogen after menopause by 10 years or older are more likely to develop asthma. People were just certain viruses or diseases such as colds or flu, obese people and people with allergies (especially cats) fall into this category.

adult asthma can be diagnosed by a lung function test using a device called a spirometer to measure how much air can expire after first taking a deep breath. Another indicator is a provocation test with methacholine. This test can be performed for the asthma symptoms and spirometry test clearly indicates asthma. When inhaled, causes the airways to methacholine spasm and narrow if asthma is present. A radiograph is usually required, but not always clear.

If your asthma is under-treated in adulthood, it can lead to deterioration of lung function faster and irreversible. Although asthma can be controlled, has no cure. In some cases, an adult, it is preferable to use regular medication to protect lung function all the time, rather than risk permanent damage.

A good way to cope with this disease is to have a written action plan that says exactly what it takes to prevent and treat asthma symptoms. In addition to preventive measures, there are different types of asthma inhalers available. Although the right choice must be made in consultation with a physician. conscientious use of drugs against asthma that has been prescribed by a doctor is the best control of asthma.

Allergic asthma

Allergic asthma is a type of asthma caused by inhaling allergens such as pollen, dust and dander. The most common type of asthma, it can also be triggered as a result of inhaling smoke, fumes or strong odors. Studies show that about 90% of children, while 50% of adults with asthma have allergies.

Causes of allergic asthma

Part E of immune globulin in persons with allergies, very sensitive. In such cases, harmless substances like pollen, are attacked by the immune system, assuming they are a threat to health. To cope with an allergen, the body produces special cells known as IgE antibodies, which trigger allergic reactions in the body. In this process, chemicals such as histamine, are released, which causes swelling and inflammation. In the case of allergic asthma, the airways in the human body are hypersensitive to allergens. Therefore, the immune system overreacts, as it enters the respiratory allergen. This leads to bronchospasm, a process in which the muscles surrounding the airways become tight. This also trigger inflammation and flooding airway mucus thickness. Allergens that can trigger allergic asthma, are tiny particles that reach the lungs when a person inhales. Some common allergens are pollen blown by the wind, hair, feces, dust mites or cockroaches, animal saliva, fragments of mold, etc.

The symptoms of allergic asthma

The symptoms of allergic asthma can vary from person to person. And a person may experience symptoms differently in two different episodes of asthma. A person with allergic asthma may breathlessness, rash, coughing, chest tightening, common cold nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, respiratory infections and headaches. Depression, fatigue, muscle spasms are also common symptoms of this disease.

The diagnosis of allergic asthma

Allergies and asthma are recommended tests to determine the cause of allergic asthma. The most common tests for allergic asthma involves pricking the skin with small amounts of allergen and measure the size of red bumps that appear 20 minutes later. recommended blood tests for diagnosis of allergic asthma are the RAST test (RAST) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

treatment of allergic asthma

Although it is not possible to completely eliminate allergic asthma, it can be avoided. Once the cause is determined, steps can be taken to reduce exposure to allergens. Drugs to treat allergies can provide relief of symptoms of allergic asthma. Non-sedating antihistamines such as Claritin or generic nasal decongestants can be used to treat nasal allergies. If the desired effects are not seen when steroid nasal sprays and antihistamines strong, which must be prescribed by doctors, may be used. If the problem persists, then a desensitization immunotherapy may be recommended. Inhaled steroids, asthma inhalers, bronchodilators and drugs like Singulair and Accola pills are prescribed to treat asthma. In case of severe asthma, steroids like prednisone are administered. Another drug is effective against allergic asthma Xolair, an injectable drug designed to reduce levels of IgE.

Do not use old air conditioners. Pets must be kept outside, where anyone in the household is allergic to them. Wash blankets, carpets and curtains in hot water once a week. Make sure kitchen and bathroom are free from insects such as beetles and termites. These simple precautions can ensure your health safely, keeping allergic asthma and other diseases at bay.

Exercise induced asthma

The exercise-induced asthma is a condition in which a person has difficulty breathing or wheezing after vigorous aerobic exercise. It can also be induced by intense activity. Asthma is generally characterized by inflammation of the bronchi and lungs is triggered by many factors, such as pollution, smoke, dust, the presence of pollen, mold in the air and respiratory infections such as colds and influenza. It was also noticed that every person with asthma has different factors specific to the stimulus. Although many features of asthma provoked by exercise as other types of asthma, it is primarily caused by aerobic activities.


It was found that people who experience asthma attacks after exercising, they most sensitive passages in the air. The air passages are very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity. Under normal circumstances, breathing through the nose of people, which contributes to the heat and humidity of the humidity and temperature of inhaled air to look like the air in the lungs. However, the exercise involves breathing through the mouth, with a normal nasal breathing. When breathing through the mouth, the air reaching the lungs is colder and less humid, which is responsible for triggering an asthma attack. Blood flow increased bronchial linings with airway inflammation. mucus secretion is also induced by such an attack, which blocks the airways and makes breathing more difficult.

The situation is exacerbated if a person is allergic asthma, in addition to exercise-induced asthma and if he / she is engaged in an atmosphere where allergens are present.


Common symptoms of exercise-induced asthma include shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing or increased rate. In addition to this, patients may also experience chest pain, extreme fatigue and chest tightness. Sometimes the membranes cyanosis or blue skin and mucous membranes may also occur as a result of reduced blood oxygenation. However, it has been found in people with allergic asthma and exercise-induced at a time.

Diagnosis and Treatment

correct diagnosis of this disease is very important for effective treatment. Usually, diagnosis begins with questions about the patient's symptoms and medical history. Depending on the severity and duration of symptoms, degree of airway obstruction and the effects of such attacks on the normal activities, attacks are classified as attacks with mild, moderate and severe. In addition, some tests are also conducted for the correct diagnosis of the disease. Spirometry is a test performed using a spirometer. A spirometer is a device that can measure the amount of air and speed that you can inhale and exhale. An oximetry test is to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood, test meter peak flow is conducted to assess the strength of the expiration during an attack.

The best way to prevent an asthma attack is to avoid factors that may worsen. However, people who want to continue their exercise programs and sports activities can take the help of drugs. Some common drugs are beta agonists, inhaled anti-inflammatory fog as corticosteroids or leukotriene antagonists, mast cell stabilizers. An asthma attack is usually characterized by a refractory period, the exercise or strenuous physical activity or produces only mild symptoms or not. Therefore, many people exercise program and sports activities in connection with such refractory period to prevent exercise-induced asthma.

To prevent exercise-induced asthma, many precautions must be taken. This includes appropriate medications and reduce the required amount of stimulating factors of the disease. However, before opting for a drug or some preventive measures, it is always advisable to consult a medical certificate.

Home remedies for asthma

Henry loved to play sports. Finally, he would try to seek basketball high school this year. It has come to try outs with enthusiasm. He played basketball, but never more than half an hour at a time. 40 minutes into the game, Henry began to feel very tired. He started sweating profusely and his breath shortened. He continued to play in the spirit of sportsmanship. 10 minutes later, he fainted. Doctors quickly diagnosed her school's non-allergic asthma.

A quarter of the urban population today suffer from allergic asthma or nonallergic. There is a growing concern because the rate of disease mortality increased by 23% in one year (2008-2009), despite the fact that it is a reversible condition. our lifestyle and diet are not very good either. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the United States describes asthma as "a common disorder chronic airways that is complex and characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, airway obstruction, bronchial hyperresponsiveness (bronchospasm), and inflammation that behind. "The nature and intensity of clinical symptoms may determine treatment.

There are several natural remedies or home remedies you can use to keep attacks at bay. He can keep the following remedies:
A healthy and adequate consumption of vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. They are essential to treat inflammation of the lungs.
Vitamin C is well equipped to fight infection. It also increases oxygen and helps reduce inflammation. Make sure your diet has enough of it.
Ginkgo biloba (a plant which contains ginkgolide B) was observed to be effective in reducing seizure frequency.
Try a variation in tea. Mullein oil is good for the fight against respiratory congestion.
Keep Pau d'Arco (bark extracts taheebo) and manageable. It is a natural antibiotic and ideal for reducing inflammation.
Shuan Huang Lian (a mixture of some Chinese herbs) is used in many hospitals in China to fight against respiratory problems. Get a part thereof.
Do you like exercise, but the work triggers an attack? Reduce the salt content in foods and take 200 mg of vitamin C, one hour before your work.
Salmon can do wonders to avoid attacks. If three times a week. Salmon oil capsules are also available and effective.
Regular use, but controlled by caffeine (coffee or cola) would keep the airway bronchial dilated.One can also try the two recipes. You may need to acquire a taste for them, but your asthma will feel better.

Make use of tea:
2 tablespoons root tea powder in India.
2 teaspoons powdered echinacea root.
2 tablespoons Elecampane Root Tea.
2 cups water.
The ingredients will be set for two hours after mixing.

To make a tea to improve breathing:
1 liter of boiled water.
1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers.
1 teaspoon echinacea root.
Mullein leaves a spoon.
A teaspoon of passion flower leaves.

The effects and symptoms of asthma can be reduced to an extent quite the right lifestyle and precautions. This is the best thing you can do for your health to keep attacks few and far between. Watch your diet and surroundings. Asthma does not make you weak (in general), but you must ensure that there were frequent attacks, and when you do, you're ready!

Asthma triggers

Asthma is a common chronic disease of the airways, which hinders a person's breath. It inflammation and narrowing of the airways, which prevents normal breathing, often characterized by a whistling sound when the person tries to inhale and exhale. United States alone 22 million people suffer from asthma, 6 million are children.

We need to breathe oxygen for our cells to function. Air enters the nose through the bronchus and trachea. Bronchi, and sends oxygen to the lungs, where it mingles with the blood and circulate throughout the body. For someone with asthma, the airways narrow to two reasons, one because they are caught sore muscles and two, because they are blocked by mucus and swelling. This type of asthma is called bronchoconstriction. Another aspect of the asthma attack is called "bronchial inflammation, which is the result of swelling of the bronchial walls. These walls swell in response to certain irritants and produce mucus.

Asthma triggers
Asthma is a lung disease caused by long-term interaction of genetic and environmental factors. The factors that cause disorders are also responsible for deciding the severity of the problem.

Environmental factors
Over the years it was found that maternal smoking affects the fetus prenatally. Air pollution and depletion of the ozone layer high has always been a cause of asthma. Childhood asthma is often rooted in air pollution. In children, asthma is often triggered by colds. If the child is constantly exposed to irritants such as dust mites, pollen, cigarette smoke, hair, deodorants and perfumes, the infection is only likely to worsen.

Psychological factors
Especially among adolescents, the social stigma of suffering from asthma is difficult. This worsening of his condition and often triggers this. Psychological stress and emotional trauma are several factors that can be dangerous for patients with asthma.

There are about 100 genes that are related to the cause of asthma. Genetics plays an important role in affecting the immune system. This is when combined with genetic variants specific environment, the exhibition ends in asthma.

Hygiene hypothesis
Researchers recently found that the Western lifestyle has become so used to cleaning and hygiene, children of recent cohorts do not support the pollution. This is called the "hygiene hypothesis", which has over the years, a weakening of the immune system in children.

Disparities in the population
Inner-city America are particularly affected by asthma. Asthma is also observed among people of different ethnicities, born in America. pulmonary disorders can be seen especially among male children, but also likely to persist in adult women.

Asthma is often diagnosed at low population per capita. This is attributed to their poor standard of living. Infested with cockroaches, homes and neighborhoods to become an uncontrollable source of asthma. These patients can receive appropriate treatment because it is a costly affair.

Occupational asthma
Again, head down the console, who live near industrial areas, are likely to suffer from asthma. Prolonged exposure to vapors emitted by these industrial areas, has become notorious for triggering asthma. Approximately 15-23% of people with asthma work-related asthma. Employees of production units, are one of the groups most affected.

Asthma can be treated with medication. In most cases, asthma can be treated to an extent of 90%, but can not be completely eliminated. It is a long-term respiratory disorder. The most effective way to treat asthma triggers is to detect and avoid exposure to them.

Asthma in children

Asthma is a disorder of the air tubes (bronchi) that carry air in and out of our lungs. Asthma is a disease long-term inflammation and narrowing of the airway first. Airways become inflamed and sensitive to inhaled allergens muscles around them tighten. It is less air movement in the airways, making it difficult for a person to breathe. In severe cases of asthma, mucus or phlegm, a sticky white liquid, is produced in large quantities causes more respiratory problems.

At a younger age, boys are more likely to have asthma than girls. Children with asthma in very young children can get out as they age, although it may return at maturity or teenagers, according to the seriousness of the case. If symptoms of childhood are very strong, so the odds of asthma increased adult resurfacing. bad habits such as smoking, alcohol and drugs can exacerbate asthma in adults.

Causes Asthma

The main causes of asthma in childhood may be different factors, such as:

Genetics - If a child has a family history of asthma, it can make them susceptible to disturbance.

Environmental factors - direct and indirect exposure to allergens (mold, pollen, animals), irritants (tobacco smoke, cigarette smoke, air pollution), uncontrolled changes in weather (especially in winter) and infections (flu, fever) are a few key environmental factors that trigger asthma.

Hygiene Hypothesis Theory - This theory states that early exposure to bacteria and symbiotic micro-organisms to modulate the immune system is strengthened. hygiene hypothesis theory believes that too much emphasis on cleanliness is not prevent children from disease. However, at the same time, weakening their ability to fight against diseases related to allergens and other asthma triggers. Prevalence of asthma in the United States and other developed countries is a testimony to this fact.

Symptoms of asthma

Asthma in general, the following symptoms in varying degrees, from mild to severe:

Cough - One of the symptoms of asthma is still not clear cough, especially at night and early morning.

Wheezing - Wheezing is a common symptom of worsening asthma. Children with this problem is a difficulty in breathing characterized by a high degree of wheezing during breathing.

Chest tightness or chest congestion - congestion of the chest is the result of inflammation of the air tubes and a high accumulation of large amounts of mucus (also called congestion mucus). Children may feel their breasts pressed leading to discomfort in breathing.

The diagnosis of asthma

It is difficult to diagnose asthma in children, but children may be diagnosed as having asthma on their medical history, symptoms and physical examination. During the physical examination, in general, the heart and lungs are checked. chest X-ray tests and pulmonary function tests are also performed if necessary.

Asthma Treatment

Asthma, as such, can not be completely cured, but relief is possible with an asthma diagnosis and care. There are different ways to treat asthma and each treatment is different for each individual. Care and understanding from parents and doctors is necessary for effective treatment.

Or inhalers are the best way to provide an adequate dose of medication in children. They contain a gas that is inhaled into the airways. Doctors can advise children on the proper use of inhalers. Usually they are of two types, calming and backstay. Preventers are used as a precautionary measure to treat the symptoms and help treat the symptoms analgesics. Inhalers are usually no side effects (at normal doses) and are easier to use for children. A spacer is a long tube that attaches to the inhalation, and is very useful for children who are unable to properly use the inhaler. Steroid tablets are also useful in asthma attacks and must be taken in time and guided by your doctor.

During a sudden asthma attack, the child must be given by inhalation or termination and must sit down (not sleep) immediately. After relaxing for children 5 to 10 minutes, the attacks continue, but normally if it persists, we must seek immediate medical attention.

Living with childhood asthma is never easy. It is equally difficult for the child and parents. Awareness and knowledge about the problem upside down and you can not be very effective in the long-term treatment. Keep a diary or journal on children regular check, health, allergies and the number of attacks per month can help parents to follow links and patterns that can be very successful in working towards healing . It is true that asthma can not be cured completely, but with love and care, the patient can boost morale and keep it under control.

Asthma attack what to do

The first signs of an asthma attack chest tightness, coughing, wheezing and a feeling of impatience or anxiety while trying to sleep. These signs indicate that generally patients about their likelihood of getting an asthma attack. Patients should ensure they take medications that their doctors prescribed time. In addition, they must try to relax, both mentally and physically. Also, try to cough to clear mucus. However, many times-even after taking so much care and caution, patients tend to get asthma attacks. Therefore, they must always be prepared to handle such situations. The Next Steps "asthma attack - what to do" will certainly be useful.

Asthma attack - What to do
immediately leave the environment in which any agent of asthma or asthma triggers are present. They can smoke, perfumes, animals or plants.
Take the inhaler and release inspires. Opens airways closed. In general, asthma inhalers albuterol are prescribed for use in an attack.
Sit down and try to calm down. Make sure you wear tight clothing. If necessary, that immediately.
You can also use the beta-2 antagonists to open the airways quickly. This makes it easier to breathe.
Continue with your release of the inhaler. Take a puff every minute until symptoms improve.
In general, the symptoms of an asthma attack begin to disappear within 5-8 minutes. If you do not feel any improvement in your state, then call your doctor or 911 immediately.
Until you get medical attention, keep the inhaler of fragrance release.
Asthma attack - Home Remedies
Increase consumption of foods rich in vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. These foods are eggs, meat, dairy products and fruit. Vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 reduces inflammation of the lungs. Therefore, they are prescribed for patients with asthma.
Vitamin C stimulates the immune system. With a strong immune system, the body can fight infection and disease.
Drink a glass of warm milk mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric powder. You can take every night before going to bed to get some relief from frequent asthma attacks.
Ginkgo biloba is believed to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks. Use this plant to get relief from asthma.
Rub your chest and back with hot mustard oil mixed with little camphor. Do it three times a week. This is considered an attack against the house effective remedy asthma.
Caffiene dilates bronchi. Therefore, coffee and soft drinks containing caffeine can be used to treat asthma attacks.
licorice tea per day. It helps in treating asthma attacks and is one of the easiest remedies at home against asthma.
Eat fish, including salmon, at least twice a week. Salmon oil capsules are also available for sale free. They are sometimes prescribed by doctors as well.
Chew fennel two or three times a day. This will help to clear mucus from the lungs infected. It is widely used to treat asthma attacks.
A Chinese herb called Shuan Huang Lian is very effective in treating disorders of the respiratory system. Consult factory for the determination of requirements and use as directed.
Mix ½ cup honey, one cup of grated radish and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. Take one teaspoon in the morning. This will facilitate your state.
Inhaling the vapors of hot water mixed with 3-4 drops of juniper oil. Do it every two days. This essential oil is known to treat many diseases associated with breathing. More information on the treatment of asthma.
See also:
Asthma in Children
Inhalers for asthma
An asthma attack is dangerous for life. It should not be ignored. The patient must make an appointment with your doctor, preferably within two days after the attack. This will allow the patient to monitor his condition and the doctor to keep a patient's recovery or relapse. Try natural treatments already suggested an asthma attack for your safety and protect against asthma. information on Hope "asthma attack - What to do?" is to help patients with asthma in the preparation of a plan of action in such panic situations.

Asthma attack in children

Asthma is a severe chronic respiratory disease that affects children and adults. It is known to be more common in children and nearly 9 million children in the United States alone suffer from asthma. A number of factors contribute to children who are more prone to developing this disorder, most often at the age of 5 years and some even at a younger age. Asthma in children can be quite an embarrassment and it is essential that parents know how to prevent asthma attacks in children. The symptoms of asthma in children could be a little more severe than in adults and emergency medical care may be needed to get this under control. Here are the causes, symptoms and treatment options for asthma attacks in children.

The causes of asthma attacks
The causes of asthma attacks in children are similar to the causes of asthma attacks in adults. Asthma attacks are the result of or triggered by exposure to allergens like smoke, pollution, dust and pollen, changing weather conditions, respiratory infections and affective disorders. In large part, is what triggers allergy attack. Children are more likely to develop chronic asthma due to respiratory underdeveloped and small airways. They may develop asthma if allergies are present, or family history of asthma, and boys are more likely to have asthma than girls. To learn more about the causes of asthma.

The symptoms of asthma in children
The most common symptoms of a severe asthma attack is when out of breath or wheezing, rapid or difficult breathing, chest tightness and coughing. These symptoms tend to worsen during the night and breathing increasingly difficult to obtain. Asthma in children is often undiagnosed because the symptoms are believed to be associated with other respiratory problems as well. Medical assistance may be needed if the child's condition does not improve breathing and signs of turning blue lips and nails are observed. In children younger than 5 years, asthma is a common symptom of upper respiratory tract infection like a cold. If asthma in children are not treated for some time, it can cause serious problems for the child during his maturity. In most children, the reduced frequency of asthma attacks or even disappear completely during their teenage years, but at the time, it might be difficult to treat at this time.

Treatment of asthma
Treatment of asthma attacks in children can be managed in a number of ways. The treatment option is the most common use of asthma inhalers for asthma, thus contributing to the expansion of the airway and breathing easily, thus reducing symptoms. In the case of a severe asthma attack, the child must be placed on a nebulizer until he or she finds it easier to breathe. Corticosteroids may also be useful to relieve symptoms during an asthma attack. Drugs like theophylline and aminophylline, beta-2 agonists and anticholinergics are safe and can be administered to children with asthma. Learn more about natural remedies for asthma.

Tips for preventing asthma attacks in children
Are you aware that your child has asthma and I was wondering how to deal with asthma attacks, you should take the following preventive measures to avoid triggering an asthma attack in your child.
Determine what triggers an attack on your child and take appropriate measures to prevent children from being exposed to these triggers.
Take immediate action and administer medications as soon as you notice symptoms.
Treatment of colds and minor respiratory infections and cough immediately so that an asthma attack can be avoided.
Educate children about the allergens and irritants that can trigger an asthma attack him.
Keep your home, especially a child's bedroom and play area clean and free of dust, the suction on a daily basis. This is allergic asthma.
Lung Function Monitor children with a peak flow meter. You can also determine if the child is at risk of an asthma attack with readings from this device. Learn more about asthma - what to do.

An asthma attack can be fatal in children too, if not treated in time or have long term consequences for child health. Try to prevent the attacks as much as possible with medication and regular monitoring.

Asthma in toddlers

Asthma in young children is usually caused by certain types of chemicals and food, dust, smoke, pollen and mold. The main reason for the appearance of this disorder is the problem of air tubes fulfills the important function of the air inside and outside the lung of man. Many times it can become difficult to find signs of asthma in young children, but due attention to the health of your child will be able to detect this disease at the right time.

Asthma in Young Children: Symptoms

There are many symptoms that the child shows signs of suffering from asthma. In the case of young children, wheezing cough can be an important indicator of asthma. Young children who suffer from this disorder may show a reluctance to make those activities that require them to do a lot of movement. Walking and playing in a group are some of these activities. If you find that your child has breathing problems or shortness of breath, it should bring to the attention of a pediatrician immediately to avoid exacerbating the problem because it can be a symptom of asthma.

In most cases, young children seem to dislike vigorous physical activities like running and playing with other children to have breathing problems. This is accompanied by other symptoms of asthma, such as difficulty breathing, dilated nostrils, inability to feed and withdrawal due to breathing and muscle pain. If the baby is sleeping appears to be rapid breathing is time for parents rushed him to the room closest to the emergency situation that could be a sign that his condition worsens. Chest pain and tightness can also be symptoms of asthma, according to researchers at several medical conditions. Sweating difficulties in speaking, muscle contraction, rapid breathing and muscle tightening are other symptoms of asthma, which should not be ignored.

Asthma in young children: Causes

There are many causes of asthma in young children and it is essential that parents should be aware of them to prevent the disorder affects their child. Hereditary factors are the main causes of asthma in young children. This means that if a family member of children with this disorder, it would have on the baby too. environmental pollution, frequent exposure to cigarette smoke, changes in climate, infections such as fever and flu, allergies and eczema, are also major causes of asthma in young children. According to surveys conducted by various health facilities, increasing the risk of young children with asthma, where his mother continue smoking during pregnancy.

The diagnosis of asthma in young children at the right time is very important and is usually performed by doctors to make a careful observation and taking into account family history and medical health records.

Asthma in young children: Treatments

There are many medications available to treat asthma in young children and they are normally presented in a liquid. Nebulizers, which are actually small cars to help children breathe easier, are also used in treatments for asthma. Great care must be taken with medications for asthma, many of them are too strong for small children. Use of inhalers for asthma roads wider and easier breathing is also a common asthma treatment. You can read more about:
Attack of asthma in children
Asthma in Children

In many cases, it was observed that the condition of asthma is cured when the children grow up. However, we must remember that the care and proper treatment can help speed the recovery process.

Mild asthma symptoms

Asthma is a chronic lung infection of the airways that are constantly inflamed, narrowing, tightening, or filled with mucus. Have you ever seen coughing or wheezing that is persistent and recurring cough despite treatment? It could be early signs of asthma. Asthma (even if they have not yet been diagnosed) is very sensitive to different types of irritants in the environment where these irritants entering the airways, the airways produce more mucus, trapping irritation and inflammation airway breathing regularly. The importance of diagnosis and treatment of asthma in a timely corrective action can not be stressed enough. So when your body sends signals in the form of mild asthma symptoms, listen carefully and see if any of these signs correspond to those listed below.

Symptoms of asthma
Mild symptoms of asthma in children or adults are the same, except for children in most cases, particularly the younger can not describe how I feel. Therefore, the parent is sometimes quite confused about their coughing and wheezing and tend to move as a "season change problem." Common symptoms of asthma are coughing and wheezing, especially at night, difficulty in breathing and / or tightness in the chest. But they are more or less marks owned by asthma, who advanced easily. These symptoms should not be confused with COPD also showing similar symptoms.

To capture the light of the early symptoms of asthma, keep an eye on the signs and symptoms was triggered by allergies such as sneezing continuously, a runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, fever, chronic cough especially at night adds so issues of fatigue and problems with sleep and fatigue. Not all children with asthma do not show signs of wheezing. Loss or shortness of breath, especially in the performance of physical activity, or even talk. A shift in lung function, it is mainly detected by the physician. To learn more about asthma in adults and asthma in children.

Asthma Treatment
Asthma Treatment depends on the severity of inflammation and persistence of inflammation. Since it is difficult to determine what might trigger an asthma irritant cough and shortness of breath, it is important to ensure that medical treatment is always at hand. cons asthma medications to reduce mucus production and swelling of the airways and asthma symptoms by relaxing the muscles along the narrow strip on the inside around the airways. Steroids, anti-inflammatory medications and bronchodilators are medicines against asthma scheduled for one person.

Asthma inhalers and nebulizers are the most common fast, efficient and deliver drugs to the lungs. Inhalants are more popular than a nebulizer they are small and can be carried everywhere. A nebulizer other hand, is a mask with a breathing device that changes liquid medicine asthma in the fog, facilitating easy inhalation lung. To learn more about how a nebulizer.

It is imperative to recognize the symptoms of mild asthma because they are a warning sent by the body requiring treatment. If not treated early, mild symptoms of asthma in adults and children will deteriorate rapidly, hindering daily activities and sleep. Untreated asthma can be fatal, protect yourself and your family from this lung infection.

Cough variant asthma

Cough variant asthma is a type of asthma, characterized by chronic cough, dry or nonproductive. Unlike asthma, cough variant asthma is usually not accompanied by any symptoms, other than non-productive dry cough that can last 6-8 weeks. Typical symptoms of asthma such as wheezing and shortness of breath are not usually seen in patients with cough variant asthma. whistle actually occurs when the airways narrow during an asthma attack. However, cough variant asthma may cause constriction of the airways and therefore does not necessarily cause wheezing and shortness of breath. However, this type of asthma can cause inflammation and swelling of the airways.

The causes of cough variant asthma

The exact causes of cough variant asthma is not sufficiently known, although the same allergens associated with asthma, such as dust and pollen can also trigger a crisis of chronic cough. Just breathing cold air can also trigger such an attack. Another important factor may be beta-blockers, which are used to treat a number of health conditions, including hypertension and heart disease. In addition, other important causes are post nasal drip, sinusitis, acid reflux disease and smoking habit. Often, chronic cough was also observed to follow an upper respiratory tract infection.

Symptoms of cough variant asthma

persistent dry cough is productive or not the classic symptom, and often only cough variant asthma in children and adults. As already mentioned, this type of asthma may not present typical symptoms such as asthma, breathlessness, wheezing and sound while breathing. However, a dry cough may worsen, especially at night and during exercise.

Cough variant asthma diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of cough variant asthma is a bit difficult. Even X-ray tests such as spirometry or lung function test may show normal results for chronic cough because of the absence of any airway obstruction. So if the test results are normal, doctors perform a test, known as "positive methacholine inhalation challenge (MIC) test. In this test, the patient is allowed to inhale methacholine, which causes spasm and narrowing respiratory tract, where the patient suffers from asthma. However, even when methacholine challenge (MIC), the test is positive, it can not be definitively concluded that the person has cough variant asthma. The condition is confirmed if symptoms respond to treatment or usual asthma treatment.

Cough variant asthma is treated with the same drugs that are normally used for asthma. Bronchodilators such as albuterol and ipratropium is more commonly used to treat the disease. In addition to bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids are also used for the treatment of cough variant asthma. It may take several days for the symptoms fade or disappear completely. However, occasional cough may worsen in some people after using steroid inhalers. It is therefore very important to take medication under the supervision of a physician.

Recognizing cough variant asthma is a bit difficult because of the absence of symptoms of asthma often. So if the cough lasts more than 6-8 weeks, you should discuss with your doctor to find and treat the root causes. With treatment, avoiding specific allergens such as dust, pollen and even cold air is also essential to reduce the frequency and severity of cough variant asthma for example.

Asthma symptoms in adults

Asthma is a disease that affects the respiratory tract. These air passages are inflamed, so that any external agent can trigger asthma symptoms. Although asthma is the most common form of asthma, adult asthma is not known. There are many causes of asthma, but allergen are considered the main cause of asthma. When air is inhaled through the nose, is warmed and moistened filter. This air then passes through the trachea and bronchi further divide into right and left bronchus. Each of these, then leads to the small tubules that branch still thousands of tiny tubules. The inflammation usually occurs in the tubules, large and small. When all the irritating inflamed air passages between them narrows, cutting off air supply to the lungs. Trying to understand asthma symptoms in detail. But before exploring the factors that lead to asthma in adults.

What are the causes of asthma onset

When a person over 20 years suffers from asthma, it is reported asthma in adults. There are different reasons why asthma may arise in your adult life. You have asthma in childhood, but never had any symptoms. Although it is possible that symptoms of mild asthma may have been confused with other diseases. During adult life, can suddenly become sensitive to certain allergens that trigger asthma symptoms. Usually people who suffer from hormonal changes or recover from a long illness are more susceptible to asthma symptoms in adults. Women who are pregnant or just delivered a child may experience symptoms of asthma in adults. Similarly, women approaching menopause or who were taking estrogen for more than 10 years have an equal chance of developing asthma. Those who have recovered from an episode of influenza or viral infections are also at risk of developing asthma. People with allergies particularly domestic cats can develop allergic asthma. some hazards in the workplace can also trigger asthma.

Symptoms of asthma in adults

The severity of asthma symptoms in adults may vary considerably. Some people may experience only a mild respiratory problem, while others may have severe symptoms that warrant medical intervention. It is rare that asthma symptoms occur suddenly, as they generally tend to develop within hours or days of exposure to asthma triggers. Given below are some symptoms of asthma in adults.
Most attacks of asthma is characterized by wheezing while swimming. As quickly becomes more severe wheezing respiratory muscles become visibly active.
Shortness of breath is another common symptom in patients with asthma in adults. The severity of these symptoms does not necessarily mean damage to the lungs. In fact, many people do not even know they have trouble breathing. These people are at greater risk of developing a potentially fatal disease. Especially women in 50-60 age group fall into this category.
The cough is also known by patients with asthma, and many think it is particularly painful. Incessant, unproductive cough may interfere with sleep patterns of a person.
A leak of a sudden, unexplained chest may be an early indicator of a severe asthma attack is coming. About three-fourths of patients also reported pain in the chest before an asthma attack
Another symptom includes stiffening of neck muscles making it impossible for a person to speak.
Asthma is also characterized by sweating and rapid heartbeat.
adult asthma is diagnosed based on the patient's medical history. A breath test is also performed on the amount inhaled and exhaled air is measured with a device called a spirometer. Some other tests are also effective for measuring the performance of the air passages. Lung X-rays may also be useful in the diagnosis of asthma. asthma symptoms and treatment are often in accordance with the test results.

asthma symptoms adult can happen anywhere, anytime. Therefore, if you have a known allergy to an irritant, to take precautions after exposure to the irritant.

Asthma symptoms

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that blocks air passages. This disease causes inflammation of the airways. This inflammation can cause disruption or obstruction of airflow of the lungs, leading to the production of mucus due to asthma. There are several factors that can trigger asthma symptoms are mild, such as pollen, pet hair, dust, etc. These allergens can cause asthma symptoms among adolescents. Most people find annoying signs of asthma, because the symptoms are mild, but others may be a concern because it can cause a severe form of asthma. To learn more about the various symptoms of asthma can be observed in people of all age groups. If you need more information please refer also to the causes of asthma.

The symptoms of asthma in adults

It can be seen from asthma symptoms of dyspnea in a crisis. Although these symptoms are rare, they can be triggered by prolonged exposure to asthma triggers and allergens. Given below are some symptoms of asthma, which is mainly seen in adults. They are also regarded as symptoms of asthma during the night;
One of the most common symptoms of asthma and wheezing is remarkable. This condition is most prevalent during an asthma attack. There is also a sound produced during breathing. Muscles involved in breathing becomes hyper active and wheezing causing serious fast.
Four patients with asthma three complain of chest pain when breathing. This chest pain can range from mild to severe, but pain is not related to the severity of asthma attacks.
Some people experience excessive sweating before the start of an asthma attack. Some people may also tightness in the chest while breathing region. An initial feeling of chest tightness may be a sign of a severe asthma attack.
dyspnea shortness or breath can be a common symptom of asthma. Some people may be unaware that they are experiencing a slowdown, which may be a fatal condition, in which they are exposed to a risk of a severe asthma attack.
Some patients experience a dry cough that can be painful and stressful. This cough can occur at any time during the day and perhaps more disturbing when it occurs at night and sleep disturbances cause.
Tighten the neck muscles can cause problems during the conversation.
Individuals may also increase heart rate, heart rate with palpitations short, during an asthma attack.
Asthma symptoms in children

Infants and young children are also affected by asthma. The symptoms observed in children as asthma symptoms are quite similar to that observed in adults. Given below are some symptoms of asthma in children;
Wheezing is a common symptom that is seen in infants and children. When the child is wheezing, a shrill whistle or shrill occurs when airflow to the lungs. It is also considered one of the symptoms of asthma in young wheezing children. Wheezing in children can sometimes lead to asthma.
Children with asthma may also feel a general weakness of the body which leads to fatigue.
Another common symptom of asthma in children is a sensation of breathlessness. In a severe asthma attack, children can enter, also unconscious. Asthma can also lead to other respiratory diseases like pneumonia and bronchitis.
Other symptoms include chest tightness and cough. More information about asthma symptoms and treatment.
Although there is still no cure for asthma, there are several ways to control asthma symptoms. If you are a victim of asthma, then consult your doctor who can provide drugs to prevent and control asthma triggers and an inhaler for quick relief of symptoms of asthma.

Asthma attack and no inhaler

Asthma, as we all know is a chronic lung disease, which is more commonly seen in children than in adults. It is a condition in which the airways of the lungs become narrow causing difficulty in breathing in and out. prevalent in people who have a weak immune system, which suffers from a viral respiratory infection or are allergic to allergens such as dust, pollen, dust mites, animal dander, mold, pollution, etc. In the asthma attack state, bronchial smooth muscle in the lungs contract, making the airways narrow, causing the tissues that line the airways swell from inflammation and mucus secretion.

Symptoms of an asthma attack mainly include difficulty breathing, wheezing (a whistling sound with breathing), shortness of breath chest tightness and coughing. It was only a brief overview of asthma, now before moving on to remedies for asthma or an inhaler, let us begin with a brief overview of inhalers and how they operate. For more information on asthma in children asthma attack read the article.

However, there are several medications asthma available today that can help relieve the attack, and rescue medication is inhaled, a small hand handheld contains a bronchodilator (a drug that relaxes and dilates passages and improves air passages in the lungs bronchial). Calming inhaler for asthma attacks by relaxing the smooth muscles of the airways, allowing patients to breathe easier and reduce symptoms in minutes. But in situations where one does not have an inhaler around or no symptoms disappear after use, the person may become very frightened and helpless.

In the next section of this article asthma inhaler and not "we will learn how to cure asthma, that too with the help of an inhaler. For more assistance on the treatment of asthma can also read about asthma inhalers cons section.

Asthma inhaler No: What to do
The first step in dealing with an asthma attack or an inhaler is the first detection of the first symptoms before the attack full blown symptoms occur. If your doctor has already been given asthma action plan if your condition monitoring, follow the plan as soon as possible to reduce the early symptoms of an attack, or try these remedies effective asthma attack, which help relieve the symptoms of asthma attack without using an inhaler.

First, remove all items around that can trigger seizures as the hair of dust or animals. If possible, try to keep it clean and airy.
Make the patient standing or sitting in a position where the patient feels more comfortable and avoid standing too close. Where, if the patient is wearing tight clothes to loosen, as it may interfere with normal breathing.

As the asthma patient is breathing faster and deeper due to inadequate intake of air into the lungs, the patient tries to make his breathing slows. This not only helps you relax, but keep the patient, his power.
Once breathing is reduced to a normal pace, which makes the patient sits up and asks what his arms above your head, because it will help open the airways and help breathing normal .

You can also try to give the patient recipes made with honey, milk and garlic, these three ingredients that are good for treating asthma. However, their effects can vary from one patient to another. With this you can also ask the patient to perform deep breathing exercises that will help the patient breathe normally. You can also read, asthma attack home remedies article

However, even after trying all these home remedies for asthma attack (not an inhaler) if there is an improvement in breathing, do not delay to consult a health care provider. If not treated in time of the attack can be fatal, causing death of the patient. Well, these are all things that should be taken into account during an asthma attack or an inhaler. I hope that the information provided in the "asthma inhaler or" this article on the treatment of asthma is beneficial to all.

Asthma symptoms in children

Asthma is a lung disease caused when the airways (bronchi) in the lungs become inflamed. It is one of the most common conditions encountered by children and infants worldwide. It is easier to diagnose this disease in adults and adolescents, but a bit difficult to diagnose asthma in children. It is therefore essential to seek the underlying symptoms that can quickly diagnose the disease. So, before reading about the symptoms of asthma in children, let us look at the causes for the same.

The causes of asthma in children

The exact cause of asthma in children and adults into the unknown. This condition is considered to fire your child has a cold, flu or other respiratory disorders. On the other hand, exposure to dust and pollution can cause asthma attacks. There are many asthma triggers that led to this condition as allergens such as dust mites, pollen, mold, exercise, cold air, tobacco smoke, hair, certain medications, etc. If the child with asthma is exposed to one of the triggers of the above, he / she gets an asthma attack. This occurs when the airways narrow and the muscles contract around them. This leads to inflammation of the lining of the wall resulting from excess mucus. In consequence of this condition, the child tend to breathe in a fast pace to keep the air circulating in the airways.

On the other hand, there is another type of asthma known as exercise-induced asthma (EIA). Children who suffer from this condition have symptoms of asthma during exercise. It is in the lungs of these children seems to be too sensitive and can not adapt to sudden changes in temperature and humidity. In the exercise, the baby's mouth breathing so that breathing cold air can trigger asthma attacks.

The symptoms of asthma in children

The symptoms of asthma in children range from mild to severe. The following are common symptoms of mild asthma in infants and children.
Chest tightness
Chest Pain
In addition, several other severe symptoms of asthma are seen in children. These include:
Burning nose breathing
Stopped talking
Frequent coughing, especially at night
less energy during the game
chest retractions
Feeling weak or tired
The symptoms of exercise-induced asthma in children are more or less similar to that of another type of asthma. These symptoms occur within 5-10 minutes after the start of exercise or play. Here are the symptoms of exercise induced asthma in children:
Frequent coughing after exercise
Wheezing and shortness of breath
Tired easily
You can not play outside, exercise continuously for more than a few minutes
A specific factor of asthma in children is that the symptoms become more severe at night. Children tend to cough a lot at night and shortness of breath, even experienced, which can cause wakefulness at night. This is the early identification of symptoms of asthma that parents should look for. On the one hand, against cough, asthma produces mucus that may be green to yellow, which is yet another factor to identify asthma in children. However, it is difficult to judge the severity of the disease and it is therefore essential to consult your doctor as soon as possible, when these symptoms are observed. The doctor will do tests to diagnose the presence and severity of conditions. There is no cure for asthma, however, there are several medications, inhalers and nebulizers to help relieve symptoms. These can be obtained by prescription.

It was a brief presentation on the symptoms of asthma in children. With drugs, a child should be kept away from asthma triggers. Finally, children should learn that he can continue to live with asthma by taking proper care. Beware!

Asthma attack what triggers asthma

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that affects many people around the world, and there are a variety of factors that trigger asthma attacks. Most of these triggers are allergens, and provoke a reaction or inflammation in the airways of an individual, and thus create difficulties in breathing. If an attack of asthma is not under control as soon as it happens, the person can choke to death.

The symptoms of asthma are very similar to other respiratory disorders like bronchitis and emphysema, but the difference is that this disease is aggravated by the presence of asthma triggers. The nature and intensity of fires, determine the severity of the attack and what steps should be taken to control them.

People who wonder about what triggers asthma, one must know the effects of these factors can trigger the body. nasal passage to get cut as a reaction, and this pushes the individual to find it difficult to breathe. This occurs as a direct result of airway tail-inflamed or swollen, the muscles around the airways tightening and increased mucus production. To find out how it triggered an asthma attack and how to manage the treatment of asthma, one must understand the effects of different triggers.

Asthma Attack Triggers

Different organizations have developed a long list of the most common triggers asthma, and asthma in each patient must be aware of these. The best way to avoid symptoms of asthma and a serious guide is clearly the types of triggers that may pose a threat.

Allergens: They are different particles in the atmosphere, and enters the system through respiration. The most common allergens are pollen, mold, food, dust mites, cockroaches and animal proteins in the atmosphere, and they all can cause a serious case of allergic asthma.

Irritating: Similar to allergens, there are certain materials and odors that naturally causes a patient with asthma find it difficult to breathe. Common irritants are fragrance, dyes, paints, cooking smoke, household cleaners, air pollutants, talcum powder, chemicals in air, climate change and exposure to chemicals in the workplace.

Exercise: There are some cases where I get an asthma attack triggered by exercise and intense physical activity as well. Shortness increase accordingly, and culminates in an attack which is difficult to live. Inhalation of cold dry air is what leads to this condition of exercise-induced asthma.

Smoke: One of the main triggers of asthma are the smoke of different types. Whether tobacco products, or as a result of something burning, smoke is the most common cause of asthma trigger. The chemicals are mixed in the smoke can cause intense inflammation in asthmatics.

Sinusitis: People who have sinus infections and other respiratory tract infections are more prone to asthma attacks. sensitive airways get aggravated by these conditions, and cause great discomfort.

Drugs: Another response to what triggers asthma is a variety of drugs a person may be considerable. Side effects of these drugs are known to cause reactions in about 20% of people with asthma worldwide. The most common medications to be aware of aspirin non-steroidal drugs and sulfites anti0inflammatory as naproxen, ibuprofen and indomethacin.

Stress: the asthmatic should be very careful about the level of stress they undergo. High levels of anxiety and nervous breakdowns are often accompanied by breathing difficulties, leading to an asthma attack. various symptoms of asthma are made worse when a person faces a lot of stress and anxiety. These sections on facts about asthma and asthma - what to do, so you will be better prepared.

You must understand the difference between causes and triggers of asthma. The causes are inherent reasons why a person has a low air flow, while the triggers are external factors that contribute to an attack. One of the best ways to trigger the recognition and understanding of the various warning signs of asthma attacks bring with them. With experience, these triggers can be avoided in the future.

Bronchial asthma causes

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorders leading to severe airway obstruction. During the airways that can become inflamed and lined with excessive mucus, making breathing very difficult and cumbersome. This type of asthma is considered an allergic reaction to stem the incentives that are either external or internal, making it one of the most dangerous conditions of respiratory disorders. But what are some causes of asthma and how we are affected? The next section will guide you through the causes of asthma and how should we deal with.

The causes of asthma

Asthma is caused to cause an inflammatory reaction that causes the air to limit the airflow and, therefore, when there is insufficient air, which is caused to lead to asthma. It can also be caused by a spasm of muscles around the bronchi, acute exacerbation of chronic inflammation and / or edema. These are some reasons that can act as the direct physiological causes asthma. But what led to these conditions? That's what we'll find the rest of this article.

Asthma is primarily taken as a result of an allergic reaction, which is supported by the body. What causes these allergies exactly? Allergies in our body are primarily associated with mast cells, eosinophils, T lymphocytes These cells are each responsible for different reactions that occur in the body. Histamine, when released, cause skin reactions such as allergies, nose dripping, and airway constriction. Eosinophils are associated with allergic diseases and T lymphocytes are also associated with allergies and inflammation. The fusion of these cells will lead to an asthma attack.

Other factors that cause asthma are acting as the work of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, initially, people complain of diarrhea, constipation and indigestion.

Now take a look at some of the other causes of asthma:
common infections such as influenza, colds and pneumonia
Cigarette smoke
Air Toxins
Perfume / scent incense stick
Acid reflux
Some medications such as NSAIDs and aspirin
The weather is likely to change sides
Sneezing, laughing, coughing and / or crying can trigger asthma symptoms if they already suffer from it
emotional stress and anxiety
The allergens that cause asthma include things like mold, dust mites, pet dander, pollen and food
certain food additives
Certain airborne bacteria
Symptoms of asthma

What are some symptoms of asthma:
Sealed and chest tightness, chest tightness with
Constant cough making it difficult to sleep
Difficulty hearing
Cough with sputum
Dry cough
I feel a pull the skin near the coast when the person coughs
muscle cramps and pulls that come with cough due to
Difficulty breathing
If the attack is too severe, then here are some symptoms that can be seen:
rapid pulse
Lips turning blue or pale yellow
anxiety attacks because of breathing difficulties brought on
Chest Pain
breathing crisis
Nasal flaring
Drowsiness and confusion
decreased level of alertness
Asthma Treatment

Asthma is a disease that is easily triggered by external factors and, therefore, preventive measures must be taken at any time, even before treatment of asthma. This would include taking precautions to avoid environments (exposure to pollen, dust) that can trigger a crisis. Apart from that there are other drugs that can be administered when a person is attacked by asthma. These include long-term medications and quick relief such as pills and inhalers. They must be taken after consulting a doctor. In a severe attack, a person must be supplied with oxygen through a nebulizer, as well.

This article took you through the symptoms of asthma and treatment, focusing primarily on the causes of asthma.