Adult asthma adult onset asthma

Asthma is a lung disease long term. A person suffering from asthma are consistently narrow lanes and the lining is inflamed. Usually, patients have recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath and cough. For most patients, the cough occurs at night or early morning.

Most people think of asthma as a childhood disease because it usually starts sometimes begins in childhood. However, he affects people of all ages. When asthma is diagnosed in people aged 20 years, is known as adult-onset asthma. Unlike childhood asthma, adult asthma is more persistent and permanent. Often, medications are needed continuously to help keep the adult asthma under control. United States, over 22 million people known to have asthma, 16 million are adults.

Causes of Adult Asthma

The real cause of asthma is unclear whether childhood or adulthood. It is difficult to understand why symptoms develop at a certain age and they often disappear (ESP in children). Irritants that bring on asthma symptoms are called asthma triggers. "Asthma provoked by triggers of work is called occupational asthma." Adult-onset asthma is often aggravated by the same triggers of childhood asthma. They are:

Tobacco smoke: Smoking causes lung function to deteriorate very quickly and permanently. This applies to secondhand smoke too. Tobacco smoke makes them less effective drugs against asthma, which makes it more difficult to control and increasing the risk of a severe asthma attack.

Dust: The dust is an irritant of the environment that disturbs the nose, throat and lungs. People with asthma should try everything possible to avoid a dusty environment, and employment by taking, such as cooking, wood, foundry, mining, etc.

Allergens: There are several indoor allergens such as pets, feather bedding, mold or dust on the walls, which induce asthma attacks. Even if it is a Herculean task, constant efforts must be made to keep home and work free from asthma triggers.

The smell of smoke and clear: most people find the smell of smoke and strong because of their asthma. In the house, use a spray of any type should be minimized. We must try to stay away from spray paint fumes, smoke and heat, including the establishment of kerosene heaters. Heater we also supplied with gas should be avoided.

Infections: viruses, including influenza, pneumonia and colds are most common triggers for asthma sufferers. Adults can develop asthma, even after a severe attack of these viruses. Vaccination against these viruses is recommended for many people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, however, they do not protect against all respiratory infections.

Medications: Certain medications exacerbate asthma in some people. They include beta-blockers used to treat hypertension, angina pectoris, or glaucoma, aspirin and painkillers called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is essential that drugs against asthma patient does not react with other prescription or non-prescribed drugs without medical advice.

Food: Many adults are allergic to foods such as nuts or seafood Some people are very sensitive to food additives, often - sulphites (220-228), used as preservatives in foods and beverages and MSG These conditions can aggravate asthma.

Some adults may be more prone to asthma in adults. These include women who are experiencing hormonal changes, such as those who are pregnant or experiencing menopause. In addition, women who take estrogen after menopause by 10 years or older are more likely to develop asthma. People were just certain viruses or diseases such as colds or flu, obese people and people with allergies (especially cats) fall into this category.

adult asthma can be diagnosed by a lung function test using a device called a spirometer to measure how much air can expire after first taking a deep breath. Another indicator is a provocation test with methacholine. This test can be performed for the asthma symptoms and spirometry test clearly indicates asthma. When inhaled, causes the airways to methacholine spasm and narrow if asthma is present. A radiograph is usually required, but not always clear.

If your asthma is under-treated in adulthood, it can lead to deterioration of lung function faster and irreversible. Although asthma can be controlled, has no cure. In some cases, an adult, it is preferable to use regular medication to protect lung function all the time, rather than risk permanent damage.

A good way to cope with this disease is to have a written action plan that says exactly what it takes to prevent and treat asthma symptoms. In addition to preventive measures, there are different types of asthma inhalers available. Although the right choice must be made in consultation with a physician. conscientious use of drugs against asthma that has been prescribed by a doctor is the best control of asthma.


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