Could vitamin d help to overcome allergies and asthma

A new season has suddenly your own itch eyes, runny nose, sneezing non-stop, and you develop a rash. The reason - could be suffering from some sort of allergy. Allergies can occur for various reasons. Some possible causes of allergies are dust, smoke, diet, certain medications, years soaps, oils, and many others. In some cases, the exact reasons for allergies can not be found. In addition, seasonal allergies occur in winter or summer, or if the climate changes.

What is an allergy?
Allergies can cause a variety of issues depending on the severity of the allergy. An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system. Overreaction of the immune system to certain substances are not necessarily harmful, but can cause a lot of trouble. chronic allergies are caused by allergens. Given below are some of the symptoms of allergies:

- Itching eyes
- Vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Blocking nasal
- Rash
- Dysentery
- Dizziness
- Difficulty breathing
- Cramps

According to a new study, allergies and asthma are caused by deficiency of vitamin D. Vitamin D fortified foods, including cereals, milk and other dairy products should be included in the diet. Vitamin D contributes to many important functions, particularly bone health, prevention of rickets and osteomalacia. Vitamin D is an important nutrient and hormone only found in foods such as oily fish, cod liver oil, egg yolk naturally, but is also produced in the skin with sun exposure.

Therefore, we believe that reducing exposure to sunlight is to blame for the increasing number of people who are deficient in vitamin D. entertainment technologies, such as video games, DVDs and the Internet are also challenged to keep children occupied at home. This prevents their chances of getting vitamin D from the sun directly. other factors such as use of sunscreen too play a key role in limiting the exposure of sufficient sunlight for the body.

According to Harvard researchers, people living near the equator are not enough vitamins from their diet and sun. The inclusion of vitamin D supplementation is recommended during the winter to avoid deficiencies. Research also indicates a lack of vitamin D could affect pregnant women and her child. In fact, the deficit would lead to chronic health problems like allergies and asthma in children. The researchers also found that the more vitamin D for pregnant women reduce the risk of developing asthma by as much as 40 per cent of children aged three to five. took out their investigations concerned that low levels of vitamin D can affect the lungs and immune system development in the fetus, which may possibly be at greater risk of developing asthma and allergies.

Moreover, as research, Western nations are affected by asthma and allergies. Thus, these results were used to estimate the geographical distribution of cases because of asthma and allergies. They also concluded that the limited number of sources of vitamin or loss of sunlight are the main reasons to cause allergies and asthma. In other words, vitamin A deficiency could lead to asthma and allergies. In addition, adequate vitamin D supplement during pregnancy may lead to significant reductions in the incidence of asthma in young children.


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