Asthma attack in children

Asthma is a severe chronic respiratory disease that affects children and adults. It is known to be more common in children and nearly 9 million children in the United States alone suffer from asthma. A number of factors contribute to children who are more prone to developing this disorder, most often at the age of 5 years and some even at a younger age. Asthma in children can be quite an embarrassment and it is essential that parents know how to prevent asthma attacks in children. The symptoms of asthma in children could be a little more severe than in adults and emergency medical care may be needed to get this under control. Here are the causes, symptoms and treatment options for asthma attacks in children.

The causes of asthma attacks
The causes of asthma attacks in children are similar to the causes of asthma attacks in adults. Asthma attacks are the result of or triggered by exposure to allergens like smoke, pollution, dust and pollen, changing weather conditions, respiratory infections and affective disorders. In large part, is what triggers allergy attack. Children are more likely to develop chronic asthma due to respiratory underdeveloped and small airways. They may develop asthma if allergies are present, or family history of asthma, and boys are more likely to have asthma than girls. To learn more about the causes of asthma.

The symptoms of asthma in children
The most common symptoms of a severe asthma attack is when out of breath or wheezing, rapid or difficult breathing, chest tightness and coughing. These symptoms tend to worsen during the night and breathing increasingly difficult to obtain. Asthma in children is often undiagnosed because the symptoms are believed to be associated with other respiratory problems as well. Medical assistance may be needed if the child's condition does not improve breathing and signs of turning blue lips and nails are observed. In children younger than 5 years, asthma is a common symptom of upper respiratory tract infection like a cold. If asthma in children are not treated for some time, it can cause serious problems for the child during his maturity. In most children, the reduced frequency of asthma attacks or even disappear completely during their teenage years, but at the time, it might be difficult to treat at this time.

Treatment of asthma
Treatment of asthma attacks in children can be managed in a number of ways. The treatment option is the most common use of asthma inhalers for asthma, thus contributing to the expansion of the airway and breathing easily, thus reducing symptoms. In the case of a severe asthma attack, the child must be placed on a nebulizer until he or she finds it easier to breathe. Corticosteroids may also be useful to relieve symptoms during an asthma attack. Drugs like theophylline and aminophylline, beta-2 agonists and anticholinergics are safe and can be administered to children with asthma. Learn more about natural remedies for asthma.

Tips for preventing asthma attacks in children
Are you aware that your child has asthma and I was wondering how to deal with asthma attacks, you should take the following preventive measures to avoid triggering an asthma attack in your child.
Determine what triggers an attack on your child and take appropriate measures to prevent children from being exposed to these triggers.
Take immediate action and administer medications as soon as you notice symptoms.
Treatment of colds and minor respiratory infections and cough immediately so that an asthma attack can be avoided.
Educate children about the allergens and irritants that can trigger an asthma attack him.
Keep your home, especially a child's bedroom and play area clean and free of dust, the suction on a daily basis. This is allergic asthma.
Lung Function Monitor children with a peak flow meter. You can also determine if the child is at risk of an asthma attack with readings from this device. Learn more about asthma - what to do.

An asthma attack can be fatal in children too, if not treated in time or have long term consequences for child health. Try to prevent the attacks as much as possible with medication and regular monitoring.


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