Understanding asthma and knowing what to do with it

Over 20 million people in the United States can not take breathing for granted because they suffer from asthma a chronic lung disease called.

Lungs are hollow tube like structure that divides into branches which further divide into smaller branches. The branches get smaller and smaller to reach small pockets where the blood takes oxygen and carbon dioxide leaves. But making empty tubes swell and very difficult asthma patients uncomfortable to breathe. Exercise, stress, humidity, pollution and allergens do drugs asthma triggers because of this inflammation.

Although asthma can not be cured appropriate medication and changes in the environment and lifestyle may help suppress the symptoms and help those affected have an almost normal life. Some of the most common symptoms of asthma are coughing, chest congestion, wheezing, shortness of breath, fatigue and anxiety. Symptoms can vary for different people. Although initiated by allergens in asthma symptoms before age 35 than non-allergic asthma begins in the Middle Ages. Allergic asthma can be initiated or aggravated by factors such as stress, climate change, exercise and other diseases.

Management of asthma is a very essential part and parcel of life for sufferers. To do this we must ensure away from what can affect the respiratory organs and to take appropriate medications or home remedies as advised by your doctor.

An episode of asthma is worsening symptoms of asthma and a severe case of asthma attack called an asthma attack. smooth muscles along the bronchial tubes begin contracting during an asthma attack forcing the passage of air, resulting in airflow. This further increases the inflammation that causes swelling and tightness in the passage of air. The lack of air in the air passage cells produce more mucus which further compliments constriction in the passage of air. This lack of air causes asthma symptoms.

asthma attack can vary from very serious to not so serious. In severe asthma attack, which raises the air flow can be as effective as a medical emergency can result from lack of oxygen reaching vital organs. Severe asthma attacks can be fatal. Feeling during an asthma attack was similar to that described by drowning by some patients.

Know the warning signs or mild symptoms of asthma may be life saving, as prudence will suffer in time to take preventive measures. An inhaler or medication can be used to control symptoms while before the aggravation. There may be lengthy periods between attacks if a patient does not notice symptoms or mild symptoms mild. But sometimes the symptoms can worsen and remained so for long periods of time.

Asthma can be passed genetically from generation to generation. Children of parents with a history of asthma were 40 percent more likely to develop the disease than children without a genetic history of asthma. Genetic factor for asthma can not be eliminated, but the symptoms are treatable disease. Increasingly suffer from asthma in children has become a source of concern for many. There is a general belief that exposure to allergens in childhood asthma launched.

Change in environment and lifestyle is the best way to fight against asthma. Prevention is better than cure asthma apply more than anything else. It is best to avoid precipitating factors that trigger asthma symptoms. Different methods can be used to avoid specific allergens. House must be kept clean to avoid dust mites, pollen and animal dander-induced asthma. Keep pets, smoke and other aerosols is far from helpful. Stay indoors as much as possible when walking outside in a car with windows. Use dehumidifiers and air conditioning in hot, humid days, if possible.

Prescription drugs are an important weapon in the defense against the symptoms of asthma. Combination of drugs is becoming a critical issue. Steroids to reduce swelling in the lung tissue are used as bronchodilators are used to relax the passageways of the air in the lungs to open. Steroids are long, long acting bronchodilators are the short and swift action. These drugs can be used in pills or inhalers. They can be used in combination with other drugs to get personalized combinations for each patient.

Although asthma symptoms varies from moderate to severe asthma attacks can be fatal, is also very treatable. appropriate action plan and environmental changes in lifestyle and compliments right can make a living with drugs active healthy6 possible for someone with asthma.


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