What should i do if my kid suffers from asthma

dealing with respiratory problems of children can be terrifying and mentally exhausting for parents. All I want is to see your children to normal and play like any other child. The last thing they want to see is a child who lives in a cocoon and difficulty breathing.

It is very regrettable that the number of people with respiratory diseases, particularly in the case of allergies and asthma, is increasing day by day in Western countries. And many of them are children. The research is to discover why. But the fact is that there is a very good chance that if you have a child sooner or later, will fight against asthma.

Why is there such a rapid increase in the number of children with asthma and other respiratory diseases? The main reason for children missing school is asthma.

unhealthy lifestyle of today were the children of today spend more time indoors with TV or computer and exercise less. This leads to overweight. The amount of antibiotic use among children has increased, leaving a weak immune system, not an opportunity for infection. Side air contaminants and behave abnormally.

Air pollution is another culprit. This was not the cause, but a significant initiative for asthma. Even if the emission control regulations for industry and vehicles have become more severe problem of air pollution persists. indoor air pollution was unthinkable a few decades ago, but today is a term commonly used everywhere. Furniture that we use to provide schools and homes to add beauty, but also add to their emissions of harmful gases. Since that time spent indoors by people grew carpets, particle board, cleaning and all the curtains have become more dangerous.

What you can do to protect children against asthma and allergic reactions!

Pets must be kept out of the room. Be careful about pollen. Do not exercise vigorously when the days are hot. The use of wood stove and chimney should be avoided strictly forbidden to smoke inside the house.

Room must be well ventilated, especially the kitchen, bathroom and basement that they are places with higher humidity than other parts of the house. Precautions must be taken to avoid perfumes, room fresheners and other similar sprays. non-toxic products would be used for cleaning. There is no additional benefit in using a purifying filter that can take only small amounts of allergens, such as a purification filter is very good. Special envelope should be placed on pillows and mattresses.

What can you do if your child has asthma

If your child is an asthmatic patient, what can you do as a parent? There are several things you can do should not lose hope. It is a fact that your child has a respiratory illness, but he or she should not suffer because of this long life. Many small positive steps you can take to close on a happy life and near normal for your child.

Here are some steps you can take to protect your child with asthma healthy.

Since knowledge is power important to understand asthma and beyond. This will help you make decisions and act. Start by understanding the mechanism of breathing and how it affects asthma and what is movement of air in the lungs and airways so uncomfortable during an attack of asthma.

airflow becomes limited due to airway swelling and irritation in the body of your child for asthma. This makes breathing difficult and very uncomfortable. Due to lack of oxygen in the air passage cells produce excess mucus, which clogs the airways leading to cough, shortness of breath and wheezing.

Identify the initiators of the symptoms of asthma in your child. Most environmental factors that a normal person can not be bothered to be perceived as a threat to the physical integrity of your child's immune system is reacting lung causing an asthma attack. These are called asthma triggers. The reasons for these reactions in the body are not yet fully understood. The common triggers are encountered mites, pollen, animal dander, chemicals, perfumes, aerosols, smoke, combustion particles, and food allergies, and in some cases, even a cold.

Try to take note of all models of this set of triggers and an asthma attack in your child. As a parent should be able to see the device, then an action plan to help your child in maintaining these lights wherever possible. And last but not least, a part of health care for children. Health care is important for children with asthma. Control symptoms of asthma in your child through drug plans and environmental change and consultation with an asthma specialist and a pediatrician.


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